Thursday, September 08, 2005

Whatever happened ot saving up for a rainy day???

I was listening to one of the two financial gurus this morning that I regularly listen to (Clark Howard and Dave Ramsey) and I started thinking more about this hurricane thing. In the past my wife and I lived like most other Americans. If we wanted it we got it. We lived for the moment. We recently started to change our financial habits and become what most would call "old fashioned". We are trying to put money in savings, pay off all our debts, save for retirement, and live debt-free. It is a more disciplined life but also one that says "I will take responsibility for myself".

As we listened for the last week plus, one of the big things we heard was that many of the people that were stuck could not get out and now they HAD to rely on the government to get them out of trouble. Well if they would have saved, and lived more disciplined then they would not be in this position. I mentioned it to others this morning and they said that these people were poor. Well I was talking to a financial advisor early this week and he mentioned a couple that made a combined income of like $36,000 a year. Over the course of their lives they managed to save $1.7 Million for retirement. That is a lot of coin! And these people would be considered poor.

Well it is about time that we start following the lead of smart people like Dave Ramsey, Clark Howard, and others that are saying to save up and to live responsibly and not rely on others to bail us out all the time!


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with what you are doing. Saving for the rainy day disaster and for retirement. I was one of the 'if I wanted it I got it' people. I was begining to change to the more disciplined type of people when one day I found myself unemployed. Now I have to be disaplined because my income level has droped by 80%.
-Jason Holzhausen


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