Monday, August 22, 2005

Getting ready for the wedding

Well the wedding is less than a week away. Rachael, my half-pint, is getting married. The first of my girls. Hmmm, this is like way different than when Cliff got married earlier this year. I think for a dad, marrying a daughter off is majorly different. Not completely sure why.

I am looking forward to this weekend though. There is a surprise for the wedding that Karen and I have been working on. Ryan has seen it but no one else. Well Garrett saw a small bit of it because it came into my office while we were working on it. But that is it. I am looking forward to unvaling the surprise.

The one thing I have not figured out yet is putting up photos from this blog. I am hoping to get that figured out this week. We will have to see.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I really am alive... and moving my blog home

OK, I am moving my personal blog site. I found the site to be too hard to get people to. I want something that is easy for others to be able to view. I have another blog on here for my computer rants and tips at so if you want computer info go there.

I have been rediculously busy. I am trying to slow that down a little bit now though. Rachael and Ryan's wedding is a little more than a week away. We are getting excited but also starting to get busy to put it together. I will have to make sure to post some memorable pics afterwards. I am working on a special video treat for during the wedding.

Last weekend I took a motorcycle safety course. It was a blast!!! Now I just have to take the written test and I will have my motorcycle endorsement. Next is getting myself a bike. With gas prices over $2.50 a gal (as high as $2.80 this week) a bike will be a big advantage for my long commute.